Tuesday August 8, 2017
In This Issue: Tip For A More Secure Thermocouple Installation
? Power Output Devices ? Our Glossary Corner and more …
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Glossary Corner
Thermocouples: convert units of heat into useable engineering units that serve as input signals for process controllers and recorders.
Accuracy: available in standard and special limits tolerances
RTD’s: Resistance Temperature Detectors accurately sense temperature with an excellent degree of repeatability and interchangeability of elements. The RTD is composed of certain metallic elements whose change in resistance is a function of temperature.
Accuracy: RTD’s available Class A and B tolerances.
The key step to installing a thermocouple is to make sure its tip is seated properly against the heated part. Not properly doing so can result in temperature misreading, ruined or wasted product, or burnout of a heater requiring its premature and costly replacement. Having the right thermocouple can save time and money. Our “Positive Tip Displacement” bayonet makes for a 99% fool proof installation.
Installing Thermocouples A More Secured Way
Heater Power Output Devices
A wide variety of sensors, switches, and other Input devices are available to detect movement, light, temperature, color, pressure, and many other variables.
Contact one of our knowledgeable associates today.
800 526-3646
[email protected]
99% Accurate, 100% Honest!
Next month we’ll let you know how they work!
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